Thursday, July 06, 2006

Closer I am to fine...

I'm becoming a posting fiend. I have no idea what has gotten into me other than I have just decided to open up and start sharing more. Maybe it's because y'all are finally leaving comments and I feel like somebody cares... or maybe it's just because I realized my camera was getting full! So let's go in reverse, shall we?

Tonight the Indigo Girls played a free concert on the Santa Monica Pier. I went with my friends Amy and Wendy and was thrilled to run into Nancy and Sprague (and her cute new date Zack). The girls were as amazing as always. They opened with the song Closer to Fine. Easily one of my all time favorite songs and somewhat of a theme song.

Speaking of theme songs, Vonda Shepard even made an appearance and sang a song with Emily. I really wanted her to sing the Ally McBeal theme, but just hearing her voice was enough to take me back to dancing babys and mini-skirts. Fortunately Grey's Anatomy is on as I type. I consider it my modern day Ally (without all the neurosis).

I even grabbed a chorus of another of my favorite songs by the girls, Galileo...

Just a couple of weeks ago, my friend Gideon finally finished up his residency and will now be opening his own clinic. We all took a spin on the merry-go-round which was coincidentally on the Santa Monica Pier.

The day before my own is my friend Joe's birthday. My favorite cake was served. And my favorite faces were plastered with smiles... Justin, where are the rest of the pics???

Then there was this past Tuesday where the United States celebrated it's independence. My friends Kevin and Kristin were kind enough to invite me and a couple of friends up for a barbecue. They have an incredible view that allowed us to see the fireworks from Dodgers Stadium to Malibu. And no, none of these photos are moments I take for granted. I know I am lucky and blessed and it is because of that, I take the time to share and remind msyelf... just how far I've come.

I hope that everyone had an amazing, relaxing and safe 4th of July!



Sizzle said...

that looks like a whirlwind of fun. :)

Janet said...

Hey Bob, You said at the end, how lucky and blessed you are. Well I feel the same way because of you. I've always held a fascination for the entertainment world and through you I can live out my dreams. It's incredible the people you know. I've been lucky enough to have met 5 of my favs but I also know that as soon as I walked away I was forgotten. It must be incredible to be FRIENDS with all these people. Thanks for sharing your life with us.