Friday, July 14, 2006

The birthday train keeps chugging...

Somehow and someway, my friends never seem to stop amazing me. This has been another week of celebrating a birthday that I nearly didn't acknowledge. So glad I wised up! I'm also glad I brought my camera along to each meal...

Last night, my friend Glenn and I got together to gab about life and getting me my own TV show over Chin Chin Chinese Salads... Perfection!

Wednesday, my friends Grant and Polly took me to Memphis... one of my favorite new restaurants in LA. We sat outside under the firelamps and talked about who we are and where we are going. And we may have started a rumor that Heather Locklear has six toes. Delicious times!

Tuesday night I met up with my friends Brian and the very lovely and pregnant Staci. We had delicious Italian food at Guidos. There was lots of catch up (no I don't mean the tomato condiment) and gossip. After dinner, I met up with my Georgia Peaches who were in town vacationing. I broke down and ordered cake until fate stepped in and the waitress told me they had just run out. The lord does work in mysterious ways.

(I didn't use the flash and Staci didn't want me to use the one of her gorgeous belly)

And the week was kicked off when I finally sat down and chewed on months of life that have passed by with my friend Constance over some sushi and green tea. She glows she is so in love... and THAT makes me happy!

I have great friends. They are all so different. All so passionate. All so awake. All so seeking and questioning and learning. I am so lucky to be wrapped in such comfort by them!
(And if you are wondering why my sunglasses are in my hair in every pic, I am proud to report I have made it to the gym everyday this week and it has been murder on my hair. Think of the sunglasses as an acceptable male headband.)

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