Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Mirna and Schmirna

Is anyone else watching the Amazing Race this season? I am completely obsessed with cousins Charla and Mirna (otherwise known to the other teams as Mirna and Schmirna). My heart swelled when Charla hopped on that horse and drug the camel across the desert. I loved Mirna being freaked out about sending Charla in the well, while Charla pretty much sang her way down and back up. My favorite moment however, was them sneaking away from the other team members while they slept in the airport. It also kills me how obsessed Mirna is at the end of each episode when she sees the host with how she looks and smells. She always has to give him a hug. I can't help but think she is going to lay the biggest kiss on him the night of their final episode... It is good TV. But who do you think will ultimately win????

I have also been watching Arrested Development on Sunday nights. Jo and Peter have been swearing by it all year, and laughing at their inside phrases. I now officially know what a nevernude is. I will be making my cutoffs in the morning... I recommend you start recording it on Sunday nights. The LA Times last week reported that this show is reinventing the sitcom (something that needs doing).

Clara is taking her dog to begin acupuncture tomorrow. Lola survived last year's surgery, but is apparently now tending to any minor pain that may be residual. I want Lola's life! Aye aye aye!

I am off to read The Hours now. I didn't feel that A Home At The End Of The World destroyed me enough last week, so I am tackling Michael Cunningham's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel for a final punch in the stomach!

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