Thursday, August 05, 2004

Friend won't back off on pushing her political beliefs

Feeling overwhelmed by the endless political email forwards your friends keep sending you? I thought Tuesday's Dear Abby was very appropriate and topical. It is one thing for people to click on Michael Moore's website on their own free will, it is another to copy and paste his views and solicit them to their friend's as their own. Politics and religion should only be discussed when invited and when two people are willing to "discuss" (meaning to talk as well as listen to each other's opinions). I don't think it is fair to bombard your friends with your unsolicited views, certainly not in these chaotic times. Send me a joke, send me pics of hot men. Know your audience, but leave the politics and religion for my own digestion and consideration.

Aug. 3, 2004, 10:05PM

Universal Press Syndicate

Dear Abby: A woman I have known for 10 years has different political beliefs from mine. I haven't viewed this as a reason to end the friendship; I just don't bring up the subject of politics with her. She, on the other hand, constantly "slams" my beliefs, in person and via e-mail.

I have recently received several offensive letters from her. I didn't respond and she keeps prodding me for a reaction. Believe me, she doesn't want to hear what I have to say about her behavior. I have asked her to stop pushing her opinions on me and still she persists.

I feel that her antics are extremely disrespectful, and I'm to the point of ending communication with her altogether. What have you to say on this issue?

— Harassed in Houston

Dear Harassed: Tell her that the subject of politics is verboten until after the election. There's a reason for that old warning, "Don't discuss sex, religion or politics" — it can end friendships. She's not going to change your views, and you aren't going to change hers. Although she may be doing this to get a rise out of you, it's disrespectful and a touch malicious.

and since it is my website, have you visited Michael Moore's lately????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of politics...this never fails to make me laugh: