Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy Early Birthday JD

Friday found me heading to the beach with some friends. At the last minute, we turned it into an impromptu surprise birthday for my friend JD. We laughed. We drank wine. We each wrote and read a poem. Amanda behaved naughtily. Elise made an amazing veal roast. Ross spun some music (that so did not suck). Everyone brought a peanut butter inspired dessert (it's his favorite). Breakfast beer. Sunsets. Fireworks. It was just the kind of weekend we should all be so lucky to have and as often as possible...

JD arriving...

The Group Photo

Our generous hosts

Joe, Heather and Stacy

Matt letting his hair down...

Hey Mr. DJ...

Heather and JD greeting, Elise and Joe mugging...


Those pajamas make my legs look so thin and elf like...

Amanda reading her very reflective and sentimental poem (as demonstrated by Heather's reaction)...

Andrew waiting for the fireworks...

Me freezing while exhaustedly waiting for the fireworks...


Sizzle said...

cute pics. random but, why were there fireworks?

Janet said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. The best times are those spent with family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Awww, JD's pajamas are so cute! Sounds like a great party. Happy birthday to him.