Friday, March 18, 2005

I'd rather be a desperate housewife than a fat actress...

This is a photo that I just received a couple of weeks ago, but I finally decided to share. It was taken back in December at Kathy Griffin's Toys For Tots party. The significance of this photo (aside from the very hunky James Denton from Desperate Housewives with his not so desperate real life wife), is to note how heavy I look (and remember feeling). This whole weight loss thing is soooooooooo slow and I have been rather frustrated of late. But when I look at this picture, I can finally see some change (not just my hair). Most notably I have lost the fat pockets that seemed to be sagging from under my eyes.

I am also proud to announce that for the first year since I turned 21, I went to the gym last night (St. Patrick's Day) instead of swilling green beer down my gullet. Baby steps.

Just thought I would share...Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Sizzle said...

Gym over green beer, very wise choice. Good for you!