Monday, October 30, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Could it be true?
Published: October 25, 2006
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- New Jersey's Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to the same rights as heterosexual couples, but that lawmakers must determine whether the state will honor gay marriage or some other form of civil union.
BAUB: Origins, Rebellion, Redemption
baub vs bob, spill it
what's to spill?
you mean what is the origin of Baub or which do I prefer?
you kill me
you definitely make my brain work
a little too much this morning... I tried to read your blog when I woke up.
note to self: must go back later after my coffee that has been spit up all over my desk kicks in
when I was in high school...
a scrawny little scamp I was
i finally started making friends (had a fairly friendless childhood)
I was shy and awkwrd
probably because I was so girlie when it came to booger and fart jokes
took a lot of therapy to type that word
so the first friends that i made were of course the "alternative/goth folk"
somehow I fit in with them even though they were all in black and listening to Depeche Mode and the Cure
I started wearing all black, but never gave up my Debbie Gibson and Madonna
and then in their rebellious state, they all began changing the spelling of their names
mind you, I was 14
so my friend Amy became Aimee, Dory became Doree
so of course Bob had to become Baub
it lasted for about six months
but while it was in effect, it was bad
once a teacher wrote a note on my paper saying, "great paper Bob!"
and I returned it to HIM with the proper spelling!
can you imagine?
so after I came to my senses, the spelling felt embarrassing and I quickly retired it
until sometime in the early nineties, a friend from that era reminded me of it
and instead of shunning it, i embraced it
and it sort of became my "personality monicker"
that's funny, same with mine.
hated it when i was younger and hid it from people, now some of my closest friends call me it
and THAT my friend should be your next blog
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Reichen Writes a Book.
He better write more in mine.
The future of MoGreet
It's small and quaint, but full of fun people.
Can you hear me now?
Andrew before and after quite a few potions...
I was so surprised when Matt wanted to wear a costume that barely covered his naughty parts. Not!
My friend Elisha is all grown up.
Even more so is her 14 year old sister Taylor!
Shane made for a very drunk Peter Pan while Jamie was a very willing victim.
I think Eric was finally heard.
Don't be scared. It's only a mask.
The reason for everyone's drunkeness was Cheri the Mad Scientist. I think she was drinking the dried ice by the end because I could barely understand her. She always makes the party a little more spicy!
Truth be told, I am still busy. So you're just getting a lot of pictures.
I'm hoping to find some quiet time to write soon.
I still need to react to that nut nut on Tyra.
In the meantime...
Last Friday, the Alex Theater hosted the XANADU Sing-A-Long.
It was a place
(JD had never seen it before and Shannon actually knew the dialogue better than I do!)
Spotting my friend Erin (who now lives in New York) was a delightful surprise!
The costumes and the choreography were hilarious and brilliant all at once.
If you look to the far left, you can see my friend Dennis Hensley in a dazzling purple suit.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
An Open Letter To The Press
My husband and I began the adoption process many months prior to our trip to Malawi. I did not wish to disclose my intentions to the world prior to the adoption happening as this is a private family matter.
After learning that there were over one million orphans in Malawi, it was my wish to open up our home and help one child escape an extreme life of hardship, poverty and in many cases death, as well as expand our family. Nevertheless, we have gone about the adoption procedure according to the law like anyone else who adopts a child. Reports to the contrary are totally inaccurate. The procedure includes an 18-month evaluation period after which time we hope to make this adoption permanent.
This was not a decision or commitment that my family or I take lightly. I am overwhelmed and inspired by my trip to Malawi and hope that it helps bring attention to how much more the world needs to do to help the children of Africa. My heartfelt thanks for all the good wishes I have received and I hope the press will allow my family some room for us to experience the joy we feel to have David home.
Madonna Ritchie
October 17, 2006
London, England
A horoscope for us all.
Give back to the Earth. What can you do to conserve resources and ensure that future generations have access to nature's glories? Start small. It's as easy as taking your own shopping bags to the grocery store.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.
As I was pulling out of the office on Friday night, the skies of Santa Monica were alive with brilliance. To my left was a rainbow like I have never seen. So vivid, so bright, so magnificent. To the right, the colors continued over the ocean. It was like a water color come to life as the clouds glowed from the leftover light of the sun. It was absolutely breathtaking. Not to be over looked was the date- Friday the 13th. For a day that is notatrized for it's bad luck and evil doings, I felt nothing but happiness as I began my weekend.
I'm sure it was partly because I was on my way to a last minute dinner with two of my favorite people. There is no question the value Paddy's friendship holds with me. So you can imagine my excitement when we get a visit from her mother Nancy from Seattle. Certain people just have that ability to lift you up from the inside, much like that sky above.
The night sky became so clear after the sun went down. I tried to grab this shot from Lance's driveway. You could see down into the city below. The wetness in the air made the lights twinkle and dance. It was a good night.
Hard to imagine there was more room for happiness, but I found it. My friend James was visiting from Chicago and on Friday night was forced to sleep on my tattered and torn ten year old couch. I've had my eye on couches here and there, but hadn't quite found the one. And then, a trip to Levitz yesterday morning and I found it.
It's so plush and comfy. I've barely left it today.
And I am not the only one. Sophie seems to think it was bought just for her. I'm thinking of calling it my new "Sopha" because of it! I have to get down on my knees (an unfamiliar position for me) and say many many thanks to my Aunt Heidi. It was a much needed, a much appreciated and completely fantastic early Christmas present! Sophie and I spent the afternoon watching Pretty Woman on it. How was your weekend?