Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

I'm not feeling so good. I had a delicious dinner with my friend Paddy last night and then I spent the entire night restless and nauseous. No, it wasn't Paddy's fault. In fact, I would do it all again just to have another meal like that with her. It's just making for an uncomfortable day. And I have so much to do. And of course I am tired and not feeling well, so I don't want to do anything. And we all know what I like to do when I procrastinate- BLOG. It also helps that I haven't really done one in so long. You would never know I have so much to say with as quiet as I have been. But I do. And not to be a tease, but it isn't going to be right now. Unfortunately, I really do need to get some things done. Maybe I will heat up that chicken noodle soup in the fridge and blog during lunch. Odd that that seems comforting to me. But what about me and my life isn't odd?


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're not feeling well. It's times like this that you just want to curl up with a good book or movie.

Hopefully you will write something soon as you have been quiet.

Take care! - Barb

Janet said...

Oh Bob, I'm sorry you don't feel good. It's too bad that your wonderful evening had to end so badly.

It's that time of year for procrastination. I know what you mean. I have so much to do but just want to sit and do nothing.

Can't wait to hear what's on your mind! Hope you find time soon to tell us.

Hugs, Janet

Anonymous said...

I just hate seeing you under the weather. Makes me want to jump in and do something... anything... to help you feel better. Chin up, Wise One. Tomorrow is a new day. We eagerly await your next wandering. :-)