Sunday, November 05, 2006

Getting it out.

I feel it.
It's been awhile.
I feel it.
Have for awhile.
Today is my last day of vacation.
It's all I ever wanted.
Had to get away.
I start my new job in the morning.
I'm hoping to get some sleep tonight.
I haven't felt this way since the first day of school.
Every September.
New clothes. New Supplies.
New routine. New attitude.
I'm watching Lost.
Finally. Season One.
Have been since Friday.
I'm understanding the addiction.
Time to visit Hawaii.
So many friends in the credits.
Who knew?
This week I followed Robbie Williams into a bathroom.
Who knew it would make the society pages?
I love him.
Possibly even more now.
Doogie came out.
Who's next?
Watched Christina Aguilera sing.
Five feet in front of me.
Barely five feet tall.
A voice the size of Cleveland.
How do I find myself in these magic moments?
A month ago, the Bangles sang.
My friend's school.
Children walking like Egyptians.
Dancing with full abandon.
Pure magic.
Two weeks ago.
My friend's birthday.
Busta Rhymes sings just inches from me.
Paris Hilton and Kevin Federline in the same room.
Does that mean I am popular or am I scraping the barrel?
Last night we raised money.
Orphanage. Tijuana.
Children in need.
So many unwanted children.
So many wanting parents.
Why do we keep them apart?
Madonna saves a life.
She's still being spit on.
Jessica says something stupid.
She's treated an idol.
How did we get this way?
I closed a chapter this week.
Tomorrow a new one opens.
Said goodbye to nearly four years.
That's how long we are in high school.
Will tomorrow be like starting college?
They said they wanted a revolution.
And yet we made Gigli.
I will miss my friends.
I won't miss filing.
I will miss the laughing and silliness.
I hope my new co-workers love to laugh.
Otherwise I'm in trouble.
Without laughter.
I am nothing.
And I can't have that.


Janet said...

I'm so excited for you. A new start. New people. A chance to learn something new. Good Luck on the new job. And three cheers for no more filing, Yipee, Yipee, Yipee. Have a great first day and can't wait to hear all about the new experience.

Anonymous said...

take your camera

Sizzle said...

i wish i could pack your lunch and send you off to class with a kiss.

i am SOOOO excited for you!!

p.s. you are never a barrel scraper. as if!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new job. I'm sure you will do great. Hope you had a good first day!