Wednesday, January 18, 2006

meme from a to z

courtesy of Sizzle...

[A is for age:]
31 and flirting and thriving

[B is for booze of choice:] Gin Martini dry with four olives or a Manhattan

[C is for career:]
I work for the head of production at a major film studio. Doesn't it just sound important?

[D is for your dog's name:]
I don't have a dog, but I have an overweight cat named Sophie. I am hoping she starts her own Love Handles column in the new year...

[E is for essential items you use everyday:] Computer. Car. Cell Phone. My ears for listening. My mouth for talking.

[F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:]
Wunderkind by Alanis and Jump by Madonna

[G is for favorite games:] Mafia, Catchphrase and Celebrity

[H is for hometown:]
Campbell, CA

[I is for instruments you play:] Does a man's member qualify?

[J is for jam or jelly you like:]
Good Ol' Grape Jelly

[K is for kids:]
I love all of the ones who are smart enough to love me :-)

[L is for last kiss:]
Andrew. Now we'll see who's really reading.

[M is for most admired trait:]
Non-judgment and generous.

[N is for name of your crush:]
Well if I told you, then he would know... but in make believe, that guy from The Office, John Krasinski completely floats my boat... I think I will have to meet him soon...

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] When I was 11 I had a bad chest infection that landed me in there for 3 days...

[P is for phobias:]
snakes, mean people, anything daring that doesn't serve a purpose other than to terrify (bungee jumping, sky diving)

[Q is for quotes you like:] "There is a world of endless resources, there is a mind full of outrageous dreams. There is a place where the two meet... Anything is possible..." Deborah Gibson

[R is for biggest regret:] Not learning to love myself sooner.

[S is for sweets of your choice:] I love chocolate cake. Cake and champagne. Together I feel alive!

[T is for time you wake up:]
6:30 those alarms start blaring...

[U is for underwear:] boxer briefs

[V is for vegetables you love:] Tomatoes... actually i pretty much like them all except spinach and peas...

[W is for worst habit:] I hate to do my laundry and I have a horrible habit of ignoring it

[X is for x-rays you've had:] right before i left for Italy, my neck was out of whack, so I got one for that...

[Y is for yummy food you make:]
Jambalaya and Erin's White Chocolate Brownies and The Sauce... I need to make that soon...

[Z is for zodiac sign:] I am a cancer which could explain my crabbiness at times...


Sizzle said...

wha!?! is that picture of deborah gibson! holy mary mother of god, she's practically nude.


if you meet that guy from The Office, tell him he is fabulous from me.

B Merrick said...

It sure is! It is from her spread in Playboy... it was the least risque one I could post!

Anonymous said...

s is for sweaters. i love them and you should too.