Friday, October 08, 2004

Does my hair look tan?

Just sitting here eating my oatmeal this morning and thought I better throw down some words. As usual, a lot going on. As usual, nothing changes.

Tuesday night as I was going line dancing, I wasn't ready to commit to wearing my cowboy hat, so I decided my hair needed some body. So I dug out some hair spray (since my hair has gotten so long, I rarely use the stuff these days). I sprayed it, dried it. Figured it was just too long and heavy to make any difference and after a few songs on the dance floor, decided the cowboy hat was in order. Today as I was getting ready for work, I decided to give the hairspray another try. But today with a little less hurry, I noticed the bottle I had been using wasn't hairspray, but was in fact sunless tanning spray I had received in some gift bag. So, I will be working on my highlights this weekend...

Speaking of this weekend, Paddy is taking me to Santa Barbara for my birthday. Yep, still celebrating after all these months...

As some of you know, I have been really sick lately and after several (and I do mean several) medical tests and physicals and cat scans... it turns out I am going to be fine and live for awhile longer (sorry for those of you who had your eyes on my CD collection)... it turns out I just had a polyp in my right sinus... so when I contracted a virus from jet setting all over the globe, the inflamation of my sinus pressed the polyp which pressed on my brain which caused the excrutiating headaches that I was convinced were going to kill me... so today I am off for another cat scan so we can figure out just what it will take to get rid of it and soon it will all be behind me...

Will that make me a polyp survivor????

Don't forget, The Phacts of Life starts tomorrow night (see the entry below)... I will be there next week...

Is anyone else as in love with Oliver Hudson as I am???

Is anyone else watching Jack and Bobby?????

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