Sunday, July 02, 2006

My new favorite website...

Bookmark it and visit it, won't you?


Anonymous said...

I understand that you don't like perez hilton because of what he's doing to your friend lance, but he's not doing anything wrong. Maybe he could be a little more tactful with his posts about lance, but other than that he's just telling the truth.

B Merrick said...

Please read his post yesterday about Tyson Beckford. It isn't gossip. It isn't truth. It is a post and a picture saying Tyson has a small penis. Scroll down further and you will find out that Tyson was mean to Perez at a party in New York. So now, Perez will spend every day writing stupid mean juvenile things about Tyson. That's not gossip, it's not journalism, it's not even interesting. And I wouldn't care so much if a) people didn't read Perez as the gospel and b) he hadn't posted private pictures of mine that were completely innocent and fabricated salacious stories around them that tried to make him sound like he had a scoop. I'm not here defending Lance, I am here despising a creep that doesn't deserve fame or recognition or glory for being a hateful human being.

Oh and like Perez, this is my website and I can write whatever I want... I'm not making anyone stop by and read...

Anonymous said...

Someone believes that Perez posts the truth? There is a sucker born every minute...

Anonymous said...

and someone is obsessed with perez. that someone would be the fatso that runs this website.

B Merrick said...

sticks and stones baby...

Anonymous said...

a creep that doesn't deserve fame or recognition or glory for being a hateful human being.


When I heard the gossip, via LJ Land, about Perez writing about Lance's private life. I was disgusted because that is not the way to treat gay people.

Your blog is interesting, Bob. ;)


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Rude Poster,
If there is someone who is an obsessed fatso, that would be Pretzle.
