Saturday, February 18, 2006

Still Smokin'

It is safe to say, I did not have a normal childhood. While other children were being groomed on Disney movies and muppets, I was being raised by Cheech and Chong. Call it progressive. Which is why tonight, as Em and I were walking around the finale party of That '70s Show and saw Tommy Chong sitting down, we had to ask him for a photo. There are just certain people you can't pass up.

My trick is really working for standing behind and making my head look smaller, but I think I need to start putting my hand on the person's shoulder so it at least looks like I am with them and not put in the pic after the fact!


Sizzle said...

yeah it kinda looks like you popped in at the last minute. your head does look small though. :0

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, your big head is part of the reason we love you. =)


Anonymous said...

awwww sweetie you have such a warm smile i love seeing it