Tuesday, August 30, 2005

okay, okay...

I am getting a lot of irritated emails asking me where it is. I didn't want to send it out, because I am not particularly fond of this one... AND my head is killing me from this "cleanse" I am on...

but here is the link to the latest Love Handles...

and if you want to leave a comment... here you go...

Also, I wanted to send out a great big thank you to EVERYONE... Yesterday was my nine year anniversary of living in Los Angeles and I can't let this little milestone go by quietly. There's no way I could have predicted the ride it's been since that calm little summer day Shaunessy and I drove down in my now deceased VW Fox. I couldn't have done it without any of you- the people in my past who gave me the strength and courage to make the move and all of the faces who make it worth getting up each morning, I thank you from the bottom of my dieting heart!

Now go read about the day my jeans split at the office because I have an addiction to food...


1 comment:

Sizzle said...

i remember that drive clearly. oh how we have grown.

i love you Tomato!